Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sitting with Daddy

Today I took Daniel to the Portrait Studio to have some pictures taken. I would like to know what kind of psychological-warfare training these smucks have to go through to be "photographers" at Wal*Mart. Oh sure the guy was friendly and nice with his "What a cute outfit!" and "Oh, let's just take one more!" Then it's time to move over to the computer to pick out which ones you want...There's a dozen poses and infinite ways to "enhance" each pose, and it's only ten dollars a sheet. Can you put a price on cuteness? Blissful, smiley, (and heavily copyrighted) cuteness? Let's just say that I think Brian will come with us next time.

1 comment:

Montana Aunt said...

Sorry the trip was tramatic. Ok so lets look at it this way to make you feel better:
1. You have more pictures than your Aunt has of her kids!
2. You have access to prof. photos minutes from your home.
3. We love to look at each one of the pictures of Daniel and wish we could hold him.
4. Next time you go for a photo op you may have a different person.

Keep up the great work that was a one time experience next time will be better.

Love to all!