Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cave No More

I can't say that it was the horrific pictures that I posted of the man cave that got Brian motivated to put in some trim, but whatever motivated him...Hooray! He even moved all the tools downstairs! I figured I would post a couple "after" pictures to show off his handy work. And, of course, more of Daniel...

1 comment:

Montana Aunt said...

I love the room and how it looks! Great job on getting the trim up it simply looks GREAT! I also like all the great organization now if you would like to come here to visit I could get you a great job in home with several "just like" projects! Just some food for thought. Great Job guys.

Of course the little baby Daniel is growing leaps and bounds. Hard to believe he is already using sippy cups and pincer grasps. It is not fair you know! I really enjoy all the pictures! Thanks!

Lots of hugs and kisses from Montana!