Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Few Pictures

Unfortunately, Daniel is a very sick boy right now. We took him to the doctor today, and he has RSV, which is basically baby bronchitis. He has a few prescriptions that we picked up, including a nebulizer in the shape of a fire truck (I will take some pictures later, it is very cool..). Other than being really congested, he is doing OK. He still wants to play and eat! Grandma came over to babysit so Brian and I could go out for dinner and grocery shopping. Had he not been sick, we would have taken him out to show off his fancy St. Patrick's Day bib!


Grandma Fancy said...

Hi Daniel, Grandma hopes your feeling better soon. It makes Grandma sad when you aren't feeling well, so here's a big smooch and a kiss good night. I love you, Grandma Fancy

Montana Aunt said...

I also hope that you are feeling better. So sorry to hear things have not been going well.

I also feel sorry for the parents of this house. I have dealt with RSV and let me tell you it is one of the more scary things I have gone through. Sorry you have to take part in it. Good luck and hope you are feeling better very soon.

Love to you all and lots of hugs and kisses from Montana.

Jeff and Rachel said...

Oh poor little Daniel! I hope he gets better quick, having a sick baby is hard. Take Care.