Friday, December 19, 2008

Pictures from Thursday and Friday

Daniel is super excited that Grandma used extra tissue paper when she shipped a huge box of gifts. Christmas came early to our house!

Last night we went to Erin's basketball game...Wow! They won by 2 points...Thankfully Erin made both free throws just seconds earlier. It was a great game! Daniel wore his "Little Bulldog" shirt to support his favorite team. We took this when we got home...clearly he is still excited about the victory!

Just hanging out...Thinking about going for a drive.

1 comment:

Montana Aunt said...

Wow! What a cute little boy! Like you all we have been away from the baby pictures, due to all the computer problems. Took several minutes to catch up on all the happenings. Thanks for all the great posts! I have a couple of ideas to pass by you, so what I really need to do is call on the phone.