Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Brian and I thought the chances of Grandma and Grandpa racing downstairs to check the blog on Christmas morning were pretty good. Since we can't be there to give everyone a BIG hug, we thought this would be the next best thing! Tonight we went to the Bruce Township hall to spend Christmas Eve with the Rose family. The weather wasn't too bad for us, but some folks coming from farther away had to turn around and go home. Even though it wasn't a full crowd, it was still very fun! Daniel enjoyed himself very much, and now is sleeping peacefully waiting for Santa to come!

Brian loves the "Silent Night" Pampers commerical, so this is Daniel's "Silent Night" for Daddy.

Kaleb told his Mommy and Daddy that he wants a little brother AND a little sister. Judging how much he loved Daniel, he will be a great big brother when his parents finally oblige.

Daniel was not impressed with coloring because Grandma wouldn't let him eat the crayons. He said the red looked extra tasty!

Here he is looking interested...this picture was actually taken first. The one above was taken after Grandma stopped sharing the crayons.

This picture was taken especially for Aunt Ni, who Daniel loves very much! Merry Christmas Aunt Ni and Uncle Mike!

Another day, the same toy. When will Santa come?

The two basketball stars and Daniel....He is too star-struck to smile!


Grandma Fancy said...

I think Grandma and Grandpa Luttrell have to come for Christmas next year. They would have fun at the Rose family Christmas and having a little one around for Christmas morning, what a blessing. We have lots of room for whoever wants to stay!!!

Montana Aunt said...

I just wanted to say that you all lot so very festive. Hope you all have a great time with the Holidays and will be talking with each of you soon.