Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's!

Happy New Year everyone! We are looking forward to 2009, even though 2008 was a pretty big (and wonderful) year for us! We had Grandma over for dinner tonight...Brian cooked. Truthfully, Brian outdid himself! We had crab cakes and shrimp...twice baked potatoes...there was other stuff, but those were really the highlights of dinner! I would like to think that we will make it to see the ball drop...but I highly doubt it. Daniel is trying to protest, but he is also very tired! We hope that everyone has a safe and fun New Year's.
These are the softest, warmest jammies ever!...Ah, our little jail bird.

Penny is so excited about New Year's!

The spread.

Daniel, being his always cute self.

Not quite sure about the hat.

Even less sure about the horn.

Definitely not a fan of the horn. Yes, Daddy made him cry.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday, Monday

We had a fairly uneventful weekend. Brian had Friday night off, which was we took down the tree and danced around the "carcass" like banshees. Daniel is a little upset that Christmas is over, but I promised we would decorate for another holiday, and he seemed OK with that. Saturday Daniel and I went to a wedding....well, we missed the wedding, but we went to a nice reception! Lily and Jess (our neighbors) are home now. We are giving them a few days to settle in before we go over to meet our newest neighbor! Brian is off for another five day stretch...hooray! Daniel and I are both very excited for this!
Daniel is still enjoying cereal

He also enjoys the walker...which we moved to a different corner so he has a new view of the house!

Here is Daniel showing off his B-more roots and flashing some gang signs....He told me this means, "I love Grandma and Grandpa"

Where the heck is the food?

Death to a Tree...

Christmas is finally over in the Howell household. Final score: Cathy - 3, Tree - 2

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Even More Videos...

I have finally added most of the videos that we have taken over the last two months! The first video was from two weeks ago. The last video was taken November 10th. What a difference a month makes!

Christmas Pictures!

Grandpa, Aunt Susie, and Daniel on Christmas Eve
Daniel pretending to be one of Santa's elves

Is that Santa that I hear?

Someone left a wonderful present under the Christmas tree!

Daniel found a duckie in his stocking!

What could it be??

A 16" penguin that plays music when you knock it down seems like a great idea in the store; but when it towers over you while sitting, it can be sort of frightening!

What did Uncle Keith send?

A frog! (And a really soft blanket and Christmas ornament...Thank you, Uncle Keith!)

Santa left Daniel a gift at Aunt Laurie's

Christmas is so exciting!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

A Video...

I have tons of videos to put on the blog, but it is pretty Grandma, I'm sorry, but you'll have to settle for one tonight! Daniel was a very happy boy today...he went shopping with Mommy and Sara, and then hung out with Daddy for awhile. THEN...our neighbor came over to tell us that the neighborhood got a little bit bigger today. He is the proud daddy of a little girl, named Lily. Everyone is doing fine, and hopefully we'll get to meet her next week! Daniel is very excited to have a new friend!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Brian and I thought the chances of Grandma and Grandpa racing downstairs to check the blog on Christmas morning were pretty good. Since we can't be there to give everyone a BIG hug, we thought this would be the next best thing! Tonight we went to the Bruce Township hall to spend Christmas Eve with the Rose family. The weather wasn't too bad for us, but some folks coming from farther away had to turn around and go home. Even though it wasn't a full crowd, it was still very fun! Daniel enjoyed himself very much, and now is sleeping peacefully waiting for Santa to come!

Brian loves the "Silent Night" Pampers commerical, so this is Daniel's "Silent Night" for Daddy.

Kaleb told his Mommy and Daddy that he wants a little brother AND a little sister. Judging how much he loved Daniel, he will be a great big brother when his parents finally oblige.

Daniel was not impressed with coloring because Grandma wouldn't let him eat the crayons. He said the red looked extra tasty!

Here he is looking interested...this picture was actually taken first. The one above was taken after Grandma stopped sharing the crayons.

This picture was taken especially for Aunt Ni, who Daniel loves very much! Merry Christmas Aunt Ni and Uncle Mike!

Another day, the same toy. When will Santa come?

The two basketball stars and Daniel....He is too star-struck to smile!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Some Pictures

Just a few pictures from the last couple days that hadn't made it onto the blog yet. Daniel is his pack 'n play, not his's a Christmas miracle! Brian will be getting up soon. We have lots to do today (who knew Christmas was so much work?). I'm hoping that we will be able to deliver cookies and other treats to our neighbors this afternoon, and we have some last minute running around to do. It was a whopping 0 degrees this morning, and it doesn't look like it is going to get any warmer, so we will probably spend most of the day inside!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Random Pictures...

OK...but just a small piece, please...

Drool? What drool?

This gives new meaning to "bookworm"

My mom normally doesn't let me have chocolates...

Fun with a Blanket

Daniel was minding his own business, enjoying watching a little "Million Dollar Password" and his new monkey slippers from Santa when Grandma decided Daniel needed to put on a costume show. He was a really good sport, but like most things he has encountered today...he was highly unimpressed.

Daniel playing a Shepherd


Today we went to Wal*Mart to meet Santa Claus. I was really excited to take him...Daniel was not thrilled. He didn't cry, but as you can see, he clearly was not impressed. Santa did give Daniel a stocking filled with monkey stuff! Again, I think I am more excited than Daniel, Penny has already destroyed the rubber duckie that came in Daniel's stocking. She literally ate the face off...I think if she were a person, we'd have her observed for homicidal tendacies.