Saturday, January 10, 2009

More Avacado and a Bath

Daniel has been enjoying his avacado. He has also been sleeping a little bit longer at night, which is making everyone a little happier. Last night we went to the Rudyard girl's basketball game...they played a great game, and Daniel cheered really loud, but they lost 41-38. The pep band was there, too! (We really like the pep band!) We went for a ride in the little red sleigh great-grandpa fixed for him yesterday, too...Daniel made it a little less than half of the trip before he fell asleep. If it warms up, we may go again today...but as of right now it is only 6.

I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing!

1 comment:

Montana Aunt said...

Burr...No wonder you decided on a bath, and some of those green things for supper. I must say it was 35 here today. We really need to get some warmer weather here as it is like a huge skating pond out there. I took the kids to town today to spend some of that hard earned Christmas money. They all got a nice size loot, but I would have rather feed the baby and went for a sleigh ride. Try to keep warm. Hugs and Kisses to the babe.