Monday, December 21, 2009

Video Killed the Radio Star?

Facebook has definitely killed - at the very least, seriously maimed Daniel's blog, and school finished off what was left over! At any rate, these are mostly for Grandpa so that he can sit on his own computer and look at Bug. We are anxiously awaiting Santa here! Daniel had his 15 month check up today. He is 31 3/4" tall and almost 27 lbs, and other than a little excema he is a healthy boy. We also welcomed our first nephew and Daniel's first cousin - little Reegan. Hopefully we'll be able to get out to see him sooner rather than later, but I can tell you, from what I have seen in pictures he is quite cute!


Grandma said...

I love the pictures of you and your Penny dog!!!

Montana Aunt said...

Just Grandpa....Geeze Cathy!lol We love that the blog has been updated and love to see all the happenings that are going on. Thank you for sharing we all love them. Miss you all lots!