Saturday, October 24, 2009

Playing in the Leaves

Last week we raked a few leaves at Grandma's...Daniel plays in piles of leaves like he plays in the bathtub!


Grandma said...

It looks like you had a great time playing in the leaves! I am going to send some of these to Great Aunt Kelly so she can show her students what fall looks like!
I love you,

Montana Aunt said...

I think that this looks like WAY to much fun. Oh "Thank You Daniel for sharing", what? ice cream or pudding? Love to you all!

Cathy1281 said...

I think the Florida kids will be jealous!

And Daniel is sharing cream-horn filling!

Grandma said...

Thank you for sharing Daniel... what is cream-horn filling?

Cathy1281 said...

A cream horn is a long, hollow pastry and filled with delicious filling! There's probably another name for them, too, but we call them cream horns.