Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Daniel had egg yolks for the first time this morning! He really seemed to like them...which is good since we will have more eggs than we know what to do with this fall! This was also the first time he had fed himself an entire meal. Penny was so excited, and is now sleeping off the excitement and a full belly on the couch. If the sun stays out, we will probably make our way to the Farmer's Market this afternoon.
Daniel's top two teeth have finally come through! I can't believe how fast they are coming in...he'll be able to eat corn on the cob by the end of the summer for sure!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow! He's such a big boy! I love his wittle teef! (Yes, I'm typing babytalk.) I can't believe he fed himself a whole meal! :D He's growing up so fast!