Monday, May 18, 2009


Bridge toll: $3....Two tickets to Baltimore: $300...Surprising the unsurprise-able: Priceless.

We were able to keep a pretty good secret! We left the Soo at 5am this morning so that we could make our flight out of Detroit this afternoon. Grandpa D graduated with his Masters, and what do you get someone who has everything? Well, you get him a few days with his grandson that he hasn't seen since October! I know it was hard for Grandma to keep our secret, but everything went fine and Grandpa D was surprised!

We had Daniel sitting at the table while Brian and I hid around the corner. Grandpa D walked through the door and was instantly confused...he said that he knew it was Daniel, but since Brian and I were no where in sight, wondered "who the hell this neighborhood kid was..."

1 comment:

Amanda Myton said...

Yay--are we still on??