Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Few Pictures

We left Brian at home tonight and went to Grandma's for a little while. Brian is hard at work putting trim in the bathroom and exciting! We haven't had trim in our bathroom since May or June 2006...Brian is doing an excellent job. We decided that the saw and nailer were going to be too noisy for Daniel, so away Daniel and I went.

New Snow Suit

We had to break down and buy Daniel and new snow suit because the reindeer suit, albeit cute, was getting a bit snug. We decided to take advantage of the "warm" weather the other day to break it in. Daniel definitely had fun on his sleigh ride...He managed to stay awake almost the whole trip! Usually he is asleep 5 minutes out the door.

New Veggie Day!

What is Daniel eating this week? This vegetable is a very good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and folate. It may be eaten raw or cooked...of course Daniel will be eating his cooked! This is a very old vegetable and is said to have been cultivated during Roman times.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How has Daniel Changed?

The top picture was taken 1/28/09. The bottom picture was taken 9/9/08. It is amazing to see how much Daniel has changed in under 5 months!

Naked Time!

Daniel is here enjoying a little diaper-free time. If you ever wonder how much an almost five month old drools, just think of the last time you saw drool (or any liquid for that matter) cast a shadow! We are entering into the phase of "Why isn't the baby laying exactly how I put him?" This morning I found Daniel laying sideways, mostly on his back, chewing on the prison bars....I mean, crib rail. Brian and I made it back safely from our trip to Gaylord, and it sounds like Daniel and Penny enjoyed their day with Grandma and Grandpa. Oh, and for any one who has been waiting in suspense...Daniel has been eating green beans for the last week!

Happy Birthday Grandpa D!

If you see my Grandpa today, wish him a Very Happy 51st Birthday for me, and give him a big hug! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fun with a Blanket

Brian had to work today, so Daniel and Penny and I did our usual - we packed up and went to Grandma's! We tried to get Daniel out for a little fresh air, but he was tired and we spent 10 minutes getting ready to be outside for less than 5 minutes. Daniel and Grandpa watched the skills competition while Grandma and I played cards. I lost...again. Tomorrow we are having a fish fry for Aunt Laurie's birthday, so we'll be back out here again!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Few Extras...

Here are just a few pictures that were taken last weekend. And yes Riley, Santa likes Cabela's...and beer. + actually eating peas = irony (and cute!)

Brian and Daniel

Brian and Daniel enjoyed some play time together this afternoon. It was shortly before this that Daniel rolled from his tummy to his back...which both Brian and I missed. Grandma asked the question, "If a baby rolls over in the living room, and no one is there to see it...Did it really happen?" We put him back on his tummy and he did it one more yes, Grandma, it really does happen!

Daniel has rewarded Daddy with 5 minutes of uninterrupted eye contact. (Watch Baby Mama)

Name That Veggie

That's right, it's Thursday! While this day may mark the second to last day of the work week for most people, in the Howell household it means New Veggie Day! This week's vegetable is rich in vitamin K, manganese, and may promote colon health! (There's lots of other good stuff in it, too.) Like all of his vegetables, Daniel prefers his pureed. We are finding that this particular vegetable is a little messier than peas...though Daniel seems to like it just the same!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Too Funny...

I was going through some old posts, and realized that Nicole had posted a comment that I had missed. If I had missed it, I wondered who else missed it and this was way too funny not to share. Riley is my 5 year old cousin (for those who don't know)....and Daniel better be good since Santa is keeping a closer eye than anyone ever thought!

Montana Aunt said...
OK, so Riley was checking out all the pictures today and he wanted to know if Santa Clause drinks beer? I had to share that with you as I just thought it was funny. So Uncle Bill best get out the list and start checking it there are a lot of names to go through before Christmas! Lots of Smiles here!!
Tuesday, 13 January, 2009

Penny and Daniel

I don't know if it's jealous, boredom, or genuine interest...but over the last couple days Penny has been spending more and more time around Daniel. Maybe she knows he is starting to eat real food, and it's only a matter of time before she can cash in!