Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 Month Trauma

Contrary to how peaceful Daniel is here, today was traumatic for him and me! Today was Daniel's two month check-up...and his two month shots! He cried, I's a good thing Brian was there! On a brighter note, he weighs 12lbs 14.5 oz. and is 23 3/4" long! He is a healthy boy, and had stopped crying by the time we left the doctor's office.


Montana Aunt said...

So sorry that the shots had to start so soon. I know it is very hard to deal with especially for the Mom. Not only the crying but the "I can't believe you are making my baby cry" thing. I sure hope it is better today (usually better the day after). Good Luck with it all. Guess we need to ask if you will give Daniel two hugs and three kisses from us for today.

Grandma said...

Dear Baby Daniel,
I with the "Montana Aunt"... so sorry that the shots had to start.
I am also sorry that it was so hard on your Mom. It does break a Mom's heart to have to see & hear you cry.
I am hoping that you are feeling better by today!
I love you,
P.S. You were a very brave boy!