Sunday, September 7, 2008

We made it through the night...

Last night was Daniel's first night at home. We left the hospital around 4pm with good intentions of taking a nap before heading to Grandpa's to visit Penny. Daniel said that we couldn't nap together, but the three of us eventually made it out of the house.

We lived through the night! Brian took the late shift so I could get some sleep. Daniel eventually settled down and Daddy got to snooze on the couch for awhile. We had forgotten to shut off the alarm from Thursday, so I woke up to AC/DC rockin' at 5:50am and decided to see if Daniel was hungry. Brian got to go to bed while Daniel and I napped downstairs.

So far we are happy to say that things are pretty uneventful! Penny came home today. I think she is disappointed with all the excitement surrounding her little brother...she really couldn't care less.

1 comment:

Aunt Nicole said...

I am so glad you made it here safe and sound. You are just precious looking and wish I could hold you guess I will settle for seeing you in pictures for now.