Friday, July 31, 2009

Project Playground Part 2

There's so much to do at Project Playground that I decided to break it into two posts. I think the xylophone was Daniel's least for the day.

Project Playground

Earlier this week we spent a little time at Project Playground, a very nice playground about two blocks from our house. It's nice because there are two parts to the playground; one side for older kids and the "tot lot" geared towards...well tots!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dining Al Fresco

Last weekend, our neighbors moved and couldn't fit their patio furniture in the moving van: So they offered it to us! Hooray! Last night we were able to test the table and chairs out while we dined outside. I think Daniel is a huge fan of eating outside, Penny not so much. Her line doesn't quite reach to Daniel's high chair and she doesn't get to "clean up" like she does inside!

In other news, Mike and Ni had their big ultrasound yesterday. And while we know, I won't say whether we'll be welcoming a niece or a nephew in December because I don't want to steal their thunder. However, everything looks great, and Brian and I are excited to be Uncle and Aunt!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

More Messiness

Since the markers weren't exactly horrible, Daniel and I picked up some fingerpaints during our last outing to Wal*Mart! It was fun, but I had no way to anticipate the messiness that would be involved with fingerpainting. Daniel didn't understand that the paint should stay on the paper. I would say about half ended up on the paper, the other half got smeared on Daniel and me. Hooray for washable and non-toxic!

All Things Messy...

Once a month we get a 5 or 6 page "instruction manual" on what Daniel may be doing, should be doing, and what he might enjoy doing. This month, we learned that 11 month olds might like to draw with crayons. We don't have crayons, but we have markers so I thought..."What's the difference?!" I even felt a little smug thinking that markers wouldn't leave chunks of wax in his teeth when he chewed on them, like I knew he would. Well, there is a big difference apparently since I'm pretty sure had we played with crayons, Daniel wouldn't have looked like a theft-prevention tag exploded on him. However, I was chunks of wax! Regardless of the mess, we had fun.

Ashmun Bay

We took Penny to Ashmun Bay earlier in the week so she could swim. This was Daniel's first time to the boat launch, but like most other things, he seemed to really enjoy his time there! After Penny's swim, we took a walk around (because we forgot a towel and had to let her air-dry). Daniel was happy to point out all the leaves and trees.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


On Sunday, Daniel had his first taste of ketchup. Unfortunately, Brian missed out on watching Daniel eat, smear, and play with the ketchup, so we tried to recreate it on Tuesday. It was not quite as funny as the first time, but pretty close. A bath promptly followed.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Day with Aunt Nicole

On Sunday we spent the day with Aunt Nicole and our cousins. Daniel got his first taste of Chinese food (loved it); and later that day, his first taste of West Pier and ketchup (also a big hit)! After lunch, I tried to put him down for a nap, but apparently he was having too much fun because he refused to fall asleep...or even slow down for that matter. After an afternoon of playing and a stroller ride, he finally fell asleep sitting on Aunt Nicole's lap.

Monday, July 20, 2009

As Grandma Requested...

Since Daniel has started crawling on his hands and knees - otherwise known as Stealth Mode in the Howell home - Grandma asked that we take a video or two so she can watch Bug go. They are a little long...but who is going to complain about eight minutes of relatively uninterrupted Daniel time?!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Play Date!

Saturday was a big day at our house! We had friends over...lots of friends! Rachel came over with Daniel's friend, Jacob. Then Sara and her mom came over with 16 month old twin girls! I think everyone had a lot of fun...Daniel and I had a lot of fun! Daniel was also a good boy and willingly shared all of his toys.

Table Fort

On Friday we threw a blanket over the table and made a terrific fort! We added some pillows and a blanket for comfort...and of course, some toys have found their way in, too. Daniel likes to crawl under the "siding" and out the other side. Penny finds the fort pretty comfy, too.

Being Cute

Just a couple pictures of Daniel being cute and snuggling with a blanket. Also, the diaper cake that I made for cousin Becky's baby shower last weekend. Daniel had such a great time hanging out with all the ladies at the shower!